更新时间:2022-08-03 07:08:05


Mitzi Vanessa Arreola Gutiérrez,Amir Galván Cervera导演在2016年拍摄由Horacio Garcia Rojas,曼努埃尔·奥赫达,埃尔南·门多萨,Juan Carlos Flores,加维诺·罗德里格斯,Guillermo Ríos,安东尼·加西亚,Darío T. Pie,Rodolfo Palacios,Carol McFadden,Waldo Facco,Adrian Ladron,Jorge Roldan,Adrián Ladrón de Guevara,Carlos Valencia主演的西班牙动作片《第四家公司》又叫《La 4a Compañía,The 4th Company》

  Zambrano is a juvenile offender that when arrives to the penitentiary only longs to join a football team, Los Perros. Such illusion ends up involving him with the organized crime under the auspices of the authority, because the team is also the 4th Company, a squad of inmates that controls services and privileges in prison, and submits the city to crime, reporting big dividends to men of Power.

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  Zambrano is a juvenile offender that when arrives to the penitentiary only longs to join a football team Los Perros. Such illusion ends up involving him with the organized crime under the auspices of the authority because the team is also the 4th Company a squad of inmates that controls services and privileges in prison and submits the city to crime reporting big dividends...


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